2008 -
It was my last year of teaching (for now) after 13 years in the classroom and 8 years at NCA
Sadie Mae was born and I became an aunt for the fourth time
We celebrated our 1 year anniversary
I had a (mostly) great experience being pregnant
I experienced my first surgery (C-section)
We welcomed Tobren Lyse into the world and I became a mom for the 1st time
And now I'm staying at home and loving it
This has certainly been a year like no other for us. Becoming parents has been a marvelous blessing. I know Ben and I had both hoped to have a family of our own but we never wanted to completely allow ourselves to believe it would happen. There were so many reasons why this might not have been a reality for us, but God was so good to us. We feel completely blessed to have this little life entrusted to us. My favorite memory of our days in the hospital was the night after Tobi was born and Ben was sitting next to me in the hospital bed with Tobi resting on us...and Ben said "I always wanted a family"... and it hit me just then just how real that was...a family. Tobi means "God is good" and we have seen this evidenced to us through the gift of this little one. Lyse means "God's promise" and we have seen that God is faithful to what he says he will do. May 2009 be a year where you experience God's goodness and faithfulness in abundance.
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Christmas Pictures This is the video/slideshow I made (with a lot of help from my "friends" at ANIMOTO) for Ben as a little Christmas gift: