Friday, February 27, 2009

Seven Months and a Visit from Grandpa

Tobi hit the 7 month mark today. I'm kind of wishing that it wasn't getting so close to a year already. I know it only gets worse, this relentless moving of time. I love this age. It will be fun to see her hair someday (let's hope) and hear her talk...but I am so happy with who she is right now I don't really want her to change! Well, there's no stopping it so I might as well enjoy it while I can.

Grandpa is the best (at least today we thought so :) ). What better gift could you get on your monthaversary than a visit from Gramps?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Chicken Soup

Just when we thought we were the one healthy family left in New Hampshire the plague fell upon us. Tobi is experiencing her first cold, poor thing. We've both been in bed or on the couch pretty much this whole week. Coughing, sneezing, runny noses, fevers, and congestion have been the sights and sounds around here. It hit me the worst this weekend, but thankfully Ben was home to take care of us. He made homemade chicken soup which is just what I needed...and it's good thing it was delicious because he made enough to feed all the sick people in NH. Finally I feel like I am really reentering the human race. I actually have managed to stay awake for almost the whole evening.

This is Ben's little pot of soup:

How Tobi spent a lot of the week:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

2 years ago...

February 14, 2007 - a newly engaged couple

Valentine's Day will always be extra special for me. Two years ago today Ben asked me to be his wife. And now look...a busy 2 years...a wedding and a baby and so much more. I can't imagine that we have only known each other 2 1/2 years...I am still continually surprised at how perfect Ben is for me. How could it be that someone could understand me so well and have only known me for so short a time? How could it be that so many people in our lives somehow know each other but I never even heard of the R-B family? I traveled all over the world and ended up back in my "back yard" to find the man God had for me. I am so thankful and amazed at how God brought us together at just the right time and in just the right way.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

200 Days Old

I just happened to check the Baby Weekly website which tells me Tobi's exact age...and wouldn't you know is her 200th day! We celebrated with peas.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sharing is Caring

Play time at Cousin Sadie's today...sporting the matching Valentine's day T-shirts and sock from Sadie's Meme. I posted a video of how they "play" together. You will notice who started with the bug and who ends up with it...I think Tobi's raspberry at the end is only appropriate. Actually she seems happy to share....let's hope that continues.

That's my sweetheart...toothy smile and all!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A few new things...

It's SO true what they say. Just when you think you have your child figured out they go and change everything on you. I fully expected this, but still somehow foolishly started to get comfortable with Tobi's predictable schedule. Morning nap, afternoon nap...5 oz. of milk every 3 hours almost like clockwork. Well the past few days Tobi decided that she had enough of predictability...she started screaming (high pitched eardrum piercing screams) at random intervals and nothing will satisfy but her bottle...not solid food, not a pacifier, not even a ride in the car! So now I'm trying to figure out her next move. And just when I figure that out I'm sure she'll be ready for a completely new routine.

Some other new (and less damaging to my eardrum) developments as of late are:

2 teeth popped up this week

Cool new hat from her (2nd?) cousin Zion

A new found obsession with Pesto the cat (which Pesto is not quite thrilled about)

...especially his tail!

And we even got to cheer on the NCA girls basketball team... Tobi's first live sporting event :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

6 Month Check up

She's doing just great!
17 pounds 26.5 inches