Saturday, May 29, 2010

Beach Day!

One year ago Tobi and I had a May beach day at Ogunquit.
She was barely able to stand and toddle behind the lowest bar of the stroller.
 She was sitting up but not moving around too much.

 And she fell asleep easily in her stroller on our beach walk.

Last Friday we made our first Ogunquit trip of the season.  And what a difference a year makes.

She was running, jumping crawling in the sand and chasing birdies all over the beach.
She was making friends everywhere...never shy about walking up to anyone on the beach. (Side note, one of the moms that was with this girl's family was named Toby...what are the chances?  2 girl Toby/i(s) on the same beach and they met!)
She spent sometime yelling "No!  Mine! No! My water!" at the boys who were splashing around in the ocean.  Apparently she has claimed stake on the whole Atlantic, even though she wasn't that excited about putting her feet in the cold water.  She preferred to splash around in the smaller pools.

What a beautiful beach day...but we were both exhausted when we got home.  Naps all around!


Unknown said...

I love her claiming the whole Atlantic...there's a firstborn:) missing you on here--and come to warm water down here and we can spend the whole day at the beach:)

Dolla said...

Please Visit my blog ! :]