Hard to believe that a whole year has gone by already!!! Also hard to believe that we were just taking her home one year ago, yesterday. There were a few trying moments those first few days...mostly due to lack of sleep, pregnancy hormones and oh yeah, this was THE BIGGEST THING that ever happened in our lives up to this point!!!! But even just one year later I'm having trouble remembering just how that all went. When did she start sleeping through the night? When did she first smile? When did she first really notice us? When did she start eating solid food? Then feeding herself? And laughing? And talking? And meowing at Pesto? And crawling? And cruising? Sure I have all these things written down...but it is so amazing to me just how much has changed in one short year. She came to us totally helpless and dependant and now, already she is such a little person! I love to hear her babble and wonder just what is going on in that head of hers. I love to watch her respond to people...everywhere! She is quite the social butterfly these days, waving, staring and smiling at almost everyone...whether or not they even realize it.
We really are so blessed and thankful that God gave us this special little girl. We continue to be amazed at how God has been so gracious to us. Tobi is a constant reminder to us of how amazing our creator is and also how dependant we are on Him for her future. We can make all the decisions we want, but it is only God who really knows what lies ahead, what plans He has for her...and we are the fortunate ones who get to be there and witness it all first hand.
Happy Birthday sweet baby girl! We love you SOOO much!
For the rest of the party pictures you can go here.
How is it even possible?! Glad you had a great day, little girl! Love YOU!
Happy Birthday tobi! Hope to meet you some day:) Your little boyfriend is approaching 2 and his mama can't believe it! I love learning about you in this blog! Mama's friend, Abby:)
Wow, time flies! Happy Birthday, sweet Tobi! What a beautiful girl! =)
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