And on a similar would not be me who still has their Christmas tree up and fully decorated simply because she's too lazy and nostalgic to actually do anything about it. We already went over that - I am not either of those things so it couldn't be me. If it was me, my reasoning might also include the fact that we cut down this tree the first weekend in December and it is still's not drooping yet and the needles are mostly still on the tree....well, I mean they might be if the tree was still up...which it couldn't be, right? (I think the dating must be off on my camera...)
And for the kicker of the week...Tobi did not come to me to show me what she found and hand me a piece of dried cat poop...EEEEEWWWWWWWW! That would never happen because I'm always watching Tobi at every single moment so she would never have the opportunity to pick up such a thing never mind carry it around and try and give it to me. But if she had I'm sure I wouldn't have almost rubbed the skin off of both our hands trying wash away even the idea of such an incident.
Oh and speaking of the cat...he did NOT just puke in front of the door AGAIN! No, he didn't. Please say he didn't...
The cat box incident may have had something to do with our recent mode of procrastination...that box is so NOT in desperate need of changing. But the cat puke...I think that is totally the cat. Pesto kitty's revenge...he does it on purpose...I know he does.
I do NOT want to give this cat away right now. I do NOT want to give this cat away... I do NOT... right?
At least he has one member of the family's unconditional love... Tobi's new word this week: KIIT-TEE.
I figure if the lights are still up, you should definitely turn them ON! honestly, if it weren't so frowned upon, I'd keep mine up all year long. They're so cheery!
Confessions From A Working Mom
What is it about poop that little kids are drawn to?!? I think my boys have found poop in our yard more than once in their lives!
I love Christmas and all of its lights!! Your home is beautiful! I've been to Hooksett (my sister-in-law and her family live in Manchester) and we visit them about twice a year. I love the picture of your family's boots, too!
I like the boots, too!
And I do not have my Christmas tree still up, either!
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