Monday, March 29, 2010

Not Me Monday


Things I certainly would never let my daughter do in light of my prim and proper upbringing, my reverence for decorum and neatness, and my attention to detail, proper protocol and discipline:

Lick yogurt directly out of the container.


 Play with newly purchased groceries.

Walk around with her "sucky" and "blanky" outside when I have firmly decided are reserved for nap time and bed time.

Walk around licking her own boogies.


Play with chocolate cake batter.

Run around hugging the stuffed animals at the kids play place.  I'm sure hundreds of other children have not put their own slobber and snot on the very same toys.

Run around with THIS hair!


Jenna said...

When did she get SO BIG? *sniff, sniff* She's so stinkin' cute, and Chloe talks about hr all the time! We have GOT to get together!!!!

harmonysong said...

WOOOOAH! That is SOME hair!

T.J. said...

hi there- I didn't participate this week, but still stopping by to check on some fellow Not Me-ers (at this very late hour while trying to finish scanning my computer grrrr!!!)

Your daughter is so very sweet! I have many of those same not me Moments with my son! Love your side bar explanation for how your blog got it's name- very creative! TJ

Bethany @ Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl said...

hee hee!! I'm laughing especially hard right now, you know, AFTER our organization/cleaning discussion this morning! :)

LOVE the yogurt face- I bet that's great for the skin, too!

aunty rinda said...

sugoi!!!!!!! wow, shauna, she's SOOOOOOO cute and reminds me of the days of baking w/ joshua and christopher... both up on their chairs, one on each side...alternating putting the ingredients in, which worked well unless there was only one egg in the recipe. :) i'm glad to see you are such a relaxed mom & having a great time w/ your daughter...we are so excited to play with her this summer!!